First Post - Goals And Action Plan

Goals And Action Plan

1.    What are the specific areas of weakness you remember identifying in your fitness appraisals that you wanted to address with your exercise program?

        The specific areas of weakness I identified and plan on adressing are my low stamina and low flexibility.

2.    What are your goals for this fitness program? (to have fun, lose weight, socialize, look better, get stronger, improve athletic performance, etc.)

My goals for this fitness program is to be able to live life without having my body restrict me in any way.

3.   List specific examples of what motivates you to participate in and stick to your regular exercise program?

        Seeing my poor results in the flexibility test and constantly being low in energy make me want to push forth and come out the other side of this fitness program as a changed person.

4   List the specific barriers or excuses which prevents you from participating in and sticking to your exercise program and possible solutions to overcome each barrier?

I do not have a lot of time as I have a part time job and school. Due to this I find myself pushing my exercise program further and further back. My plan to solve this issue is to decide on specific times to exercise each week depending on my schedule and stick to them properly. Another issue I have is a consistent low stamina. I plan on pushing through these stamina issues by sticking to the schedule previously mentioned.


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