
Showing posts from October, 2021

Workout #10 A SURPRISE... Triple Flexibility Stretch Once More

  Overview You know the deal by now,      FITT Guidelines Frequency:  I am sticking to my goal of one hamstring stretch per week. Intensity:  The intensity of these stretches was still moderate. As my hamstrings get looser, I stretch them farther, maintaining the same intensity. Time:  The wall and hurdler hamstring stretches were held for one minute on each leg, while the simple hamstring stretch was held for one minute. This was repeated three times causing the total time of this exercise to reach 15 minutes.  Type:  The types of exercises were wall hamstring stretches, hurdler hamstring stretches, and simple hamstring stretches.

Workout #9 Walk Without the Rain

Overview As it was too rainy to go for a walk outside, I went for a walk on my treadmill. BEFORE THE WALK AFTER FITT Guidelines Frequency:  I am sticking to my goal of one cardio exercise per week. Intensity:  The intensity of the walk was moderate to low. The average speed was around 3 km/hr (I increased it and decreased it a bit during the walk) and as such it was not a high intensity walk. Time:  The of the walk was 60 minutes.  Type:  The type of exercise performed here is a walk or cardio.

Workout #8 Time To Run!

  Overview This evening I went for a run on the treadmill. Here is a before picture                                                                         and an after picture (collapsed on the ground). FITT Guidelines Frequency:  I am sticking to my goal of one cardio exercise per week. Intensity:  The intensity of the run was high. The speed of the run was 6 km/hr with a short 3 km/hr warm up and as such, the run was very high intensity. Time:  The duration of the run was 30 minutes with a 3 minute walk as a warm up.  Type:  The type of exercise performed here is a run or cardio.

Workout #7 Triple Flexibility Stretch

Overview Once more, a repeat of workout 2 as I planned to do every week. I did not do it last week however. FITT Guidelines Frequency: I am sticking to my goal of one hamstring stretch per week that I failed last week. Intensity: The intensity of these stretches was still moderate. Even though they were simply static stretches, they were quite demanding on my body even though it was my second time doing them. Time: The wall and hurdler hamstring stretches were held for one minute on each leg, while the simple hamstring stretch was held for one minute. This was repeated three times causing the total time of this exercise to reach 15 minutes.  Type: The types of exercises were wall hamstring stretches, hurdler hamstring stretches, and simple hamstring stretches.

Workout #6 Evening Stroll Part 2

    Overview This evening I went for a stroll once more. Here is a before picture                                                                                                 and an after picture     FITT Guidelines These guidelines will be very similar to the previous ones as, although unintended, the 2 walks were nearly identical. Frequency:  I am sticking to my goal of one cardio exercise per week. Intensity:  The intensity of the walk was moderate to low. The average speed was around 3 km/hr and as such it was not a high intensity walk. Time:  The duration of the walk was around 45 minutes.  Type:  The type of exercise performed here is a walk or cardio.

Workout #5 Evening Stroll

  Overview This evening I went for a stroll. Here is a before picture                                                                                                                   and an after picture.                                                                                                          FITT Guidelines Frequency:  I am sticking to my goal of one cardio exercise per week. Intensity:  The intensity of the walk was moderate to low. The average speed was around 3 km/hr and as such it was not a high intensity walk. Time:  The duration of the walk was around 45 minutes.  Type:  The type of exercise performed here is a walk or cardio.

Workout #4 Triple Flexibility Stretch Again

  Overview We will see a repeat of workout 2 every week as I am attempting to make my hamstrings more loose and flexible as they were identified as a problem for me. FITT Guidelines Frequency:  I am sticking to my goal of one hamstring stretch per week. Intensity:  The intensity of these stretches was still moderate. Even though they were simply static stretches, they were quite demanding on my body even though it was my second time doing them. Time:  The wall and hurdler hamstring stretches were held for one minute on each leg, while the simple hamstring stretch was held for one minute. This was repeated three times causing the total time of this exercise to reach 15 minutes.  Type:  The types of exercises were wall hamstring stretches, hurdler hamstring stretches, and simple hamstring stretches.

Workout #3 Dancing As The Star

  Overview As this week my 18th birthday party was celebrated, my 3rd workout will be in theme. The workout for this week consists of dance.  While the dancing went on for over an hour, I have provided two short clips of my dancing as evidence of my dancing skills. Dancing Clip 1 Dancing Clip 2 FITT Guidelines Frequency:  I am sticking to my goal of one cardio exercise per week. Intensity:  The intensity of the dancing was moderate to high. There were periods of moderate dancing followed by higher intensity dance. Time:  The dancing went on for over one hour, however, we were not constantly dancing, and as such I believe that 1 hour of dance would be accurate.  Type:  The types of exercises performed here is dance or aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

Workout #2 Triple Flexibility Stretch

  Overview The stretches that you shall see following are all hamstring centric. The first one we see here is a wall hamstring stretch. Moving on down to here, we have the simple hamstring stretch. And lastly, but not least we have the hurdler hamstring stretch.   FITT Guidelines Frequency: I am sticking to my goal of one hamstring stretch per week. Intensity: The intensity of these stretches was moderate. Even though they were simply static stretches, they were quite demanding on my body. Time: The wall and hurdler hamstring stretches were held for one minute on each leg, while the simple hamstring stretch was held for one minute. This was repeated three times causing the total time of this exercise to reach 15 minutes.  Type: The types of exercises were wall hamstring stretches, hurdler hamstring stretches, and simple hamstring stretches.

Workout #1 Bike Ride Through The City

  Overview I went for an afternoon ride and had my first time using Strava. Unfortunately I forgot to resume it after a short pause at one point and around 30 minutes of biking on trails has been lost from this screenshot. Here is a before picture that shall remain alone as I forgot to take an after picture. I do hope that my Strava screenshot is enough proof. FITT Guidelines Frequency : I am sticking to my goal of at least one cardio activity per week. Intensity : The intensity of this bike ride was hard. The average speed was 11 km/hr, however stops were frequent due to traffic. Time : The activity lasted for around 1 hour and 30 minutes in total. Type : The type of activity was bike riding.